Better for your Baby and our Planet
Thank you for taking an interest in our story. My name is Enda, and next to me is my wife Madeleine, our daughter Sienna, and our baby girl Ella.
In 2020, I was made redundant from my job as a result of the pandemic. At the same time, myself and Mads were expecting our first baby. As so many expecting parents do, I started to research baby clothing to see what was the best clothing for our baby.
That’s when I discovered Bamboo and the amazing benefits it offers in terms of sustainability but also the wonderful benefits it offers as a fabric. Until I read more and realised how important soft, breathable clothing would be for our baby girl, I would have been none the wiser. When I got deeper into the research, it was clear that bamboo was the only choice. And so, I started my journey, along with my wonderful wife, to bring beautifully designed high quality bamboo baby clothing to other parents that want the best for their baby. After a year of research and preparation, BambooBaby was born.
Every piece of BambooBaby clothing is rigorously inspected for quality and has been tried and tested by our own baby girl, Sienna. We hope that you and your little one will love and enjoy our BambooBaby clothing as much as our family does.
With love,​
Enda, Madeleine, Sienna, & Ella
The BambooBaby Family